How to clean motorcycle chain

  • Author:Aaron
  • Location:Auckland, New Zealand

Learning how to clean and lube a motorcycle chain is one of the essential step into motorcycle maintainance for new riders. It’s simple as and only takes 20 minutes. In this post, I will quickly show the easiest and cheapest way to clean and lube a motorcycle chain.

Tools you need

  1. Chain clean($22.5 from Motomail)
  2. Chain lube($22.5 from Motomail)
  3. Chain brush($27.5 from Motomail, you can also buy from trademe for $9)
  4. wrench
  5. Water spray
  6. Wood block(cut into size)

Step 1: Lift rear wheel using wood block

Ideally you will have a center stand or rear wheel stand, but it cost more than $100, so I am just gonna use a piece of wood to lift the rear wheel. make sure the wheel can spin freely.

Step 2: Unscrew chain cover

Unscrew the cover using wrench

Step 3: Spray water and chain cleaner

spray a appropriate amount of water to the chain before you spray chain cleaner. at the same time, slowly spin the wheel so whole chain can be covered, for your own safety, DONT START THE ENGINE!!
Leave the chain cleaner on for 5 mins.

Step 4: Wait 5 mins and scrub using chain brush

The chain brush, also called Grunge Brush, is the best tool to scrub grime off the chain. it allows you to clean three side of the chain at once. Hold the brush in position while you spin the rear wheel slowly.

Step 5: Dry the chain using towel or paper towel

Chain lube needs to be applied to dry surface, make sure that all the chain cleaner and water is removed.

Step 6: Spray chain lube

Now the chain is clean and dry, its time to apply chain lubricant. spray evenly to all sides of the chain. the Motul lube I got is in white color so you can clearly see it on the chain.

Step 7: Go for a ride

Congrats you’ve just done a motorcycle chain clean. It’s recommanded to do a regular chain cleaning every 1000KM, or even more often if you ride in wet condition like winter in Auckland:).